February 28-March 3:New Zealand – Rotorua Fly-in. Contact: Phil Pacey phil@paceytrucks.co.nz
April: Australia – Broken Hill, NSW Contact: Alan Grady, president@iffr.org.au
April 9: United Kingdom. Wednesday meeting at Brooklands Air Museum
May 2-4: Southern Ireland – UK Section AGM & Fly-in to Waterford, Eire Contact: iankerr@ifb.co.uk
May 17-18: France – French Spring Meeting at the Vendee Air Park
May 24-29: Fielding, New Zealand Pre-convention fly-in.Contact: Phil Pacey phil@paceytrucks.co.nz
June 5-14: Queensland, Australia - Post-convention tour. Contact: Alan Grady, president@iffr.org.au
June 19-22: Austria German/Austrian Section meeting in Vienna
June 27-29: Italy – Italian Section meeting at Verona Boscomantica
August 21-24: Sweden – Scandinavian Sectin meeting at Kalmar
Sept 5-7: Germany – German/Austrian Section meeting in Nuremberg or Black Forest district
Sept 12-14: France – French Section meeting - Marseilles district
Oct. 25-27: New Zealand – Kaikoura Contact: Chris Snelsen vichris@xtra.co.nz
October 30-November 1: Philadelphia , PA - AOPA Expo and IFFR Americas AGM.
December 14-18: Kitty Hawk, NC - Centennial of Flight Celebration fly-in to Dare County Airport (MQI) in Manteo, NC
Jan. 18th: New Years reception Zwartberg Belgium (EBZW). Contact: Hans Eenhoorn jjeenhoorn@zeelandnet.nl
Mar. 5-7: New Zealand – Gisborne Contact: Phil Pacey phil@paceytrucks.co.nz