1) Lycoming Crankshaft Update - (NewsWire - Jul 18 2005)
More information is trickling in about Lycoming's latest crankshaft recall. Most of the 1,100 aircraft affected are Robinson helicopters, AOPA says, as well as late-model Cessna 182s, some Piper models, and a scattering of other aircraft, including some Commander 112s. A proposed FAA Airworthiness Directive that was expected to be out by Friday so far has not been published. The crankshaft problem first surfaced in early 2002 when Lycoming recalled some 400 crankshafts used in TIO- and LTIO-540 engines. By late 2003, Lycoming broadened the recall to some 1,800 airplanes total; that recall program was concluded in 2003. It was believed at the time that only the high-horsepower versions were at risk. Note: The latest recall covers roughly 1200 crankshafts -- not 2,000, as originally reported -- some known to be installed in factory engines, some as replacement parts.
For the Lycoming SAIB click here (you'll need Adobe)
2) COMMANDER Commander; 114A; Turismo; Main Landing Gear Defect; ATA 3230
The pilot reported that during landing the right main gearfelt “mushy.”A technician inspected the landing gear and found the rightmain gear forward trunnion bolt, washer, and nut weremissing. (Refer to the illustration.) He suspects the boltsheared and caused it to come out of the trunnion. Due tothis finding, he inspected the trunnion bolt on the left maingear and discovered it was extremely worn.The submitter suggested the manufacturer establisha frequent inspection schedule for this bolt and a life limit of3 to 5 years and/or 500 landings.Part total time not reported.GULFSTREAM AMERICANGulfstream American; Model AA-5A; Cheetah; Premature Engine Exhaust System
3) AIRPLANES August 2000 FAA AC 43-16A
Aero Commander; Model 112
Flex Hose Failure; ATA 7310
During an annual inspection, the inspector checked all the flexible hoses in the engine
5 years old; however, two of the hoses (P/N’s LW13181-6-12 and LW13175-4-343) were 25 years old and were probably installed as original equipment.
These two hoses were attached to the Bendix fuel injector pump, and their failure may result in complete engine failure. The submitter stated it is important to obtain replacement hoses from the same source as the originally-installed hoses (engine or airframe manufacturer).
Part total time-2,500 hours.
4) May 2000 FAA AC 43-16A
The Aviation Maintenance Alerts provide a common communication channel through which the aviation community can
economically interchange service experience and thereby cooperate in the improvement of aeronautical product durability,
reliability, and safety. This publication is prepared from information submitted by those who operate and maintain civil
aeronautical products. The contents include items that have been reported as significant, but which have not been evaluated fully
by the time the material went to press. As additional facts such as cause and corrective action are identified, the data will be published
in subsequent issues of the Alerts. This procedure gives Alerts’ readers prompt notice of conditions reported via Malfunction or
Defect Reports. Your comments and suggestions for improvement are always welcome. Send to: FAA; ATTN: Designee
Standardization Branch (AFS-640); P.O. Box 25082; Oklahoma City, OK 73125-5029.
Aero Commander; Model 112; Landing Gear
Hardware Wear; ATA 3213
While completing a scheduled inspection, the
technician removed the left and right main
landing gear forward trunnion bolts for a
precautionary inspection.
The bolts (P/N AN4-23A) were bent, distorted,
and severely worn. The submitter cautions all
maintenance personnel to periodically check
these bolts and replace them, if necessary. The
submitter suggested the manufacturer
establish a 5-year or 500-landings "life limit"
for replacement of these bolts.
Part total time-1,950 hours.
Aero Commander; Model 114B; Engine
Exhaust Chafing; ATA 7810
During an annual inspection, the technician
noticed an engine exhaust stack was chafing
on an engine mount.
The exhaust stack (P/N 9910758-101) chafed
the engine mount (P/N 625000-501) tube which
connects the right lower engine mount bracket
proper fit. Failure of these fasteners could
completely disable the aileron and elevator
flight control systems and create a very
serious hazard to flight safety.
The submitter contacted the manufacturer
who advised him the four rivets on the
forward collar were sufficient to secure the
forward collar. This report, along with
supporting information, was forwarded to the
responsible FAA Aircraft Certification Office
for appropriate action.
Part total time-2,300 hours.